Therapeutic Reflexology | Herbal Medicine | Holistic Nutrition

"Nothing happens until something moves."

Albert Einstein


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LaShay Canady, President of The B.O.S.S. Group LLCHerbal Medicine


Louise Tenney says it best:

"It must be understood that when we tamper with Mother Nature, we create risks for the human body.  When scientists examined plant chemistry, they isolated what they considered the most active compound of medicinal plants and discarded the rest.  In essence, they threw the baby out with the bath water...when you eliminate certain plant ingredients in order to isolate what is considered the active principle of an herb, you can destroy the synergistic or balancing effect of the whole medicinal plant."

It is important to know how herbal medicine work.  Herbs are concentrated foods, whole essences, with the ability to address both symptoms and causes of a problem.  Herbs pave the way for the body to do its own work, by breaking up toxins, cleansing, lubricating, toning and supporting.  Herbs in their whole form are not drugs.  Herbs work better in combination that they do singly.  Lastly, the body knows how to use herbs.  Give them time.  They are working.

Illness comes from one or a combination of four things, according to Kevin Trudeau, consumer advocate,
            You have too many toxins in your body
            You have nutritional deficiencies
            You are exposed and negatively affected by electromagnetic chaos
            You have trapped mental and emotional stress

As your Medical Herbalist, I find the syndrome, observe the whole person and find the disharmony.  My goal is to achieve balance, harmony and healing.  In using herbal therapy, I first choose the preparation that best suits the condition being treated.  I use both Western and Eastern herbs.  Herbal therapies can be in several forms: herbal baths, salt soaks, sitz baths, steam inhalations, nasal rinses, compresses, poultices, infusions, decoctions, vinegars, syrups, infused oils, salves, suppositories, and/or tinctures.

What happens during your visits:

  1. A detailed intake of medical history, along with the physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing
  2. A holistic approach to your condition, incorporating traditional medicine, empirical observation, clinical strategies, and other methods
  3. Therapeutic principles determined
  4. An herbal treatment plan is designed
  5. Follow up appointments scheduled

The physical benefits that you can receive are enormous when you work with an herbalist.

I am a passionate practitioner of the holistic health and wellness industry. My primary goal is to support the body’s own recuperative efforts.  I draw on several modalities in my practice to assist my clients in achieving optimal health.  I have been engaged in individual and group healing work for several years as a certified reflexologist, health care consultant and master herbalist. My experience and knowledge includes reflexology, herbal medicine, aromatherapy, holistic nutrition, holistic pathophysiology, holistic pathology, homeopathy, and consulting.

I am known for my relaxed and lovingly supportive presence and outstanding interpersonal skills.  As a consultant, I bring out the best in people with my no-nonsense yet compassionate approach.  Through a cutting edge combination of reflexology, botanical medicine, and a comprehensive health and wellness plan, I assist people to create palatable remedies/solutions that selectively support the body in the natural restoration of health by improving nutrition.   I have also coached numerous clients in implementing tools for increased health, well-being, and a more natural balanced way of life.

Medical Herbal consult session:  As a Certified Medical Herbalist, I sit down with you and go over a very detailed health history that addresses every part of your life.  Based on the therapeutic principles, I come up with a customized herbal program to help your body restore its own healing potential using both Western and Eastern herbs.

Specialty:  Yeast connected health problems.  Symptoms include (but not limited to):  fatigue, depression, PMS, headache, digestive disturbances, bladder infections, irritability, constant yeast infections, feeling of being 'spaced out', menstrual irregularities, loss of sex interest, loss of orgasm, infertility, impotence, sugar cravings, low body temperature, and/or recurring vaginal, prostate or urinary infections.  Do you have a yeast connection....?

If you feel "sick all over", have taken a lot of antibiotic drugs, have sought help from many different specialists, have taken birth control pills and/or steroids, are troubled by fatigue and/or muscle aches, are bothered by food sensitivities, crave sugar, sometimes feel "spaced out", are bothered by depression, irritability, headaches, and/or digestive problems, are sensitive to tobacco smoke, perfume and other chemicals, YOUR HEALTH PROBLEMS MAY BE YEAST CONNECTED!

I look forward to the journey!


Information contained in this Web site pertaining to wellness and the use of herbs is for educational purposes only, and

is not intended to prescribe or diagnose or make claims for medical advice, directly or indirectly.

LaShay Canady, CEO - 13918 E. Mississippi Ave - Suite 129 - Aurora, CO 80012
Toll-free: 888.690.3456
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